SMARTCHP UPDATE: 500-Min hour milestone achieved

We are very happy to announce that Smart CHP has achieved the 500min hour threshold. This is a major milestone in the Smart CHP project. The system runs on butanol diesel and pyrosis oil and is fully automated! The complex start and stop routines have been programmed together with a lot of automatic safety measures. This has made it possible to leave the system on overnight without surveillance. The SmartCHP engine is quickly becoming more and more reliable. Follow this project on

The EU-funded SmartCHP project will design and build a novel small-scale cogeneration unit to produce renewable heat and electricity from sustainable biomass. The main novelties of this system relate to:
o the use of fast pyrolysis bio-oil (a second-generation biofuel), coming from the conversion of agroforestry residues and organic waste, as primary fuel;
o its high flexibility, making it possible to produce more electricity or more heat according to changes in demand;
o its high electrical efficiency, thanks to the use of a modified diesel engine;
o its suitability to work in combination with fluctuating renewables.

When the energy provided by wind and sun is unavailable, the SmartCHP system is automatically activated, securing a continuous energy supply from renewables. With a market potential of €4 billion, and an estimated 85 to 95% less Greenhouse Gas emissions compared to fossil fuels, the installation of the SmartCHP technology in Europe can bring new jobs, more renewables and help mitigate climate change.

SmartCHP was launched in June 2019 by ten partners including European industrial companies, Universities and innovation experts, under the coordination of BTG Biomass Technology Group. It will run for 54 months. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 815259.

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