Offshore generators for main windmill park contractor

ABATO has delivered another batch of offshore generator sets. These are drop tested and fully DNV certified for offshore lifting. The engine is a Baudouin 4M06 engine, the alternator is a Linz Electric SpA PRO series with marine coating. The power is 20 kVA.

Thanks to offshore generators you have high energy capacity on location, while at the same time safety is guaranteed at all times. The generators of ABATO Motoren are equipped with certified DNV lifting frames and meet the highest environmental and safety requirements. Of course, it depends on the desired application which offshore generators you need. What kind of power is required at the offshore location? For what period of time do you need the diesel generators? Based on these questions, we determine which generator best suits your needs.

View the DNV certificate of our frames here

Want to know more?

For more information about our marine engines, generators and for any inquiries, please refer to our maritime or contact page by clicking the button below. Of course you can also send an email directly to or call +31 (0)88 2228600.
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