
Duty HP kW RPM
Heavy Duty |P2|. 45 33 1800
Heavy Duty |P2|. 57 42 1800
Heavy Duty |P2| 72 53 1800
Heavy Duty |P2|. 90 66 2100
Heavy Duty |P2|. 113 83 2100
Heavy Duty |P2|. 141 104 2100
Heavy Duty |P2|. 177 130 1500
Heavy Duty |P2|. 177 130 1800
Heavy Duty |P2|. 177 130 2100
Heavy Duty |P2|. 185 136 2100
Intermittent |P3| 177 130 2425
Intermittent |P3| 212 156 2425
Intermittent |P3| 228 168 2425

Engine Data

Cylinders 6-inline
Bore & Stroke (mm). 105×130
Total Displacement (L) 6.75
Engine Rotation Counterclockwise
Idle Speed (RPM). 650
Flywheel Housing SAE 3
Flywheel SAE 11.5″



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